Monday, May 18, 2009

Empty Data template in Silverlight DataGrid

One of my colleagues mentioned the “missing feature” of silverlight datagrid where in a message needs to be displayed when no records are present in the datagrid Itemsource.

So the objective is to make a datagrid which have a Empty Data grid template which may be overridden in case there are no records in the datagrid Item source. Like below.


The datagrid itself is trivial. I have introduced 3 dependency properties and overridden the Datagrid and the DataTemplate itself.

Here is how the XAML looks like


   1: <local:DataGridWithEmptyTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Person}"  x:Name="MyDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="True">

   2:            <local:DataGridWithEmptyTemplate.EmptyTemplate>

   3:                <local:EmptyDataTemplate Width="420.0" EmptyHeaderText="FirstName    |   LastName    |   Gender    " >

   4:                    <Border CornerRadius="5" BorderThickness="2" BorderBrush="Gray" Margin="5" >

   5:                        <Border.Background>

   6:                            <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.512,1.154" StartPoint="0.512,0.154">

   7:                                <GradientStop Color="Red" Offset="1"/>

   8:                                <GradientStop Color="AntiqueWhite" Offset="0.339"/>

   9:                            </LinearGradientBrush>

  10:                        </Border.Background>

  11:                        <StackPanel Width="Auto" Background="Transparent">

  12:                            <TextBlock Text="No Records"  ></TextBlock>

  13:                            <TextBlock Text="Please change the criteria. This template may be changed using XAML!!"></TextBlock>

  14:                        </StackPanel>

  15:                    </Border>

  16:                </local:EmptyDataTemplate>

  17:            </local:DataGridWithEmptyTemplate.EmptyTemplate>

  18:        </local:DataGridWithEmptyTemplate>

you may notice the Width and EmptyHeaderText Properties of EmptyDataTemplate.

The code behind looks like

   1: public class EmptyDataTemplate : DataTemplate

   2:    {

   3:        public EmptyDataTemplate()

   4:        {


   6:        }


   8:        public string EmptyHeaderText

   9:        {

  10:            get

  11:            {

  12:                return (string)GetValue(EmptyHeaderTextProperty);

  13:            }

  14:            set

  15:            {

  16:                SetValue(EmptyHeaderTextProperty, value);

  17:            }

  18:        }


  20:        public static readonly DependencyProperty EmptyHeaderTextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(

  21:            "EmptyHeaderText", typeof(string), typeof(EmptyDataTemplate), new PropertyMetadata(null));


  23:        public double Width

  24:        {

  25:            get

  26:            {

  27:                return (double)GetValue(WidthProperty);

  28:            }

  29:            set

  30:            {

  31:                SetValue(WidthProperty, value);

  32:            }

  33:        }


  35:        public static readonly DependencyProperty WidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(

  36:            "Width", typeof(double), typeof(EmptyDataTemplate), new PropertyMetadata(100.0,null));

  37:    }


  39:    public class DataGridWithEmptyTemplate : DataGrid

  40:    {


  42:        public static TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock();


  44:        public DataGridWithEmptyTemplate()

  45:        {


  47:            this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler((o, e) =>

  48:            {

  49:                int count = 0;

  50:                base.ItemsSource = this.ItemsSource;

  51:                var q = (IEnumerable)base.ItemsSource;

  52:                if (q != null)

  53:                {

  54:                    foreach (var items in q)

  55:                    {

  56:                        count++;

  57:                    }

  58:                }

  59:                if (count == 0)

  60:                {

  61:                    EmptyDataTemplate nodeTemplate = (EmptyDataTemplate)this.EmptyTemplate;

  62:                    if (nodeTemplate != null)

  63:                    {

  64:                        DataGridTemplateColumn dataGridTemplateColumn = new DataGridTemplateColumn();


  66:                        dataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate = nodeTemplate;

  67:                        dataGridTemplateColumn.Header = nodeTemplate.EmptyHeaderText;

  68:                        dataGridTemplateColumn.Width = new DataGridLength(nodeTemplate.Width);

  69:                        // we can even display the properties of object binded. 

  70:                        //var properties = from propertyInfo in typeof(Person).GetProperties()

  71:                        //                 select propertyInfo.Name;

  72:                        //foreach (string header in properties)

  73:                        //{

  74:                        //    d.Header = d.Header + header + "  |  ";

  75:                        //}

  76:                        FrameworkElement frameworkElement = dataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;

  77:                        this.Columns.Add(dataGridTemplateColumn);

  78:                        base.ItemsSource = new List<UIElement>() { frameworkElement };

  79:                        base.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

  80:                    }

  81:                }

  82:            }

  83:            );

  84:        }


  86:        public EmptyDataTemplate EmptyTemplate

  87:        {

  88:            get

  89:            {

  90:                return (EmptyDataTemplate)GetValue(EmptyTemplateProperty);

  91:            }

  92:            set

  93:            {

  94:                SetValue(EmptyTemplateProperty, value);

  95:            }

  96:        }


  98:        public static readonly DependencyProperty EmptyTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(

  99:            "EmptyTemplate", typeof(EmptyDataTemplate), typeof(DataGridWithEmptyTemplate), new PropertyMetadata(null));


 101:    }

So, even if you forget to assign Itemsource or assigned itemsource which have zero items like before

MyDataGrid.ItemsSource = null;/// or even if you forget to assign Itemsource

MyDataGrid.ItemsSource = new List<Person>();

The result is same as below. You may override the template too!!!

   1: <local:DataGridWithEmptyTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Person}"  x:Name="MyDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="True">

   2:             <local:DataGridWithEmptyTemplate.EmptyTemplate>

   3:                 <local:EmptyDataTemplate Width="420.0" EmptyHeaderText="FirstName    |   LastName    |   Gender    " >

   4:                     <Border CornerRadius="5" BorderThickness="2" BorderBrush="Gray" Margin="5" >

   5:                         <Border.Background>

   6:                             <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.512,1.154" StartPoint="0.512,0.154">

   7:                                 <GradientStop Color="White" Offset="1"/>

   8:                                 <GradientStop Color="AntiqueWhite" Offset="0.339"/>

   9:                             </LinearGradientBrush>

  10:                         </Border.Background>

  11:                         <StackPanel Width="Auto" Background="Transparent">

  12:                             <TextBlock Text="No Records" Foreground="Red" ></TextBlock>

  13:                             <TextBlock Text="This template may be changed using XAML!!" Foreground="Red"></TextBlock>

  14:                         </StackPanel>

  15:                     </Border>

  16:                 </local:EmptyDataTemplate>

  17:             </local:DataGridWithEmptyTemplate.EmptyTemplate>

  18:         </local:DataGridWithEmptyTemplate>


Needless to say, the other functionality of datagrid remain the same as we have only introduced new DPs which have NO impact on existing functionality.

Finally here is the code.

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